krótki list nieforma. proszę o pomoc (sprawdzenie)

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Hi, Tom!
Yesterday in my school was the day of foreign language. The principal purpose of this party was recoguition of foreign custom and intergration of pupil of my school. My class represented Brazil. We have prepared many dishes, howewer my was glad biggest success. There was a 'Bobó de camarao'. I was make this dish with fry shrimp, tomato sauce and rice. J also think my dish was the best. The party got succeed in my opinion. Atmosphere was fine and J had fun.
All The Best

z góry dzięki
Yesterday in my school was the day of foreign language.
The principal purpose of this party was THE recogNition of foreign customS and
THE intergration of pupil 'of' (czy into?) my school.
We 'have' (niepotr) prepared many dishes, howewer 'my was' (cos tu nie tak) 'glad' (cos nie tak) THE biggest success.
I 'was make' MADE this dish with frIED shrimp, tomato sauce and rice. 'J' I also think my dish was the best. The party 'got succeed' SUCCEEDED in my opinion. THE atmosphere was fine and 'J' I had fun.
All the best,
Dzięki ponownie terri mam tylko nadzieję ze kiedys bede tak umiał angielski aby móc pomagać tak jak ty ;p

howewer 'my was' (cos tu nie
>tak) 'glad' (cos nie tak) THE biggest success.
chodzi mi ty ze "jednak moja potrawa cieszyła się największym sukcesem"

ale to juz sobie jakos napisze ;p

thx for all
However my dish was glad the biggest success

chyba tak mozna to napisać ?
moze lepiej
However, I was glad that my dish was the biggest success...
My dish was the biggest success...
>jednak moja potrawa cieszyła się
oj nuiance jezyka - 'potrawa' nie moze sie cieszyc sama - tylko 'ty' sie mozesz cieszyc z tego
mozna dish was a great success
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.