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Similarities between education in Ireland and education in Poland is final exam, most school are free, most teacher are women, girls better than boy in their exams, more girl go to university and in school students must go a school uniform. In history education their country is very similarities, because Poland had complicated education systems, classes were large,traditional teaching, partition school for rich and poor, teacher used to hit children if they made mistake.
>>>>>Similarities between education in Ireland and education in Poland is
final exam, most school are free, most teacher are women, girls better
than boy in their exams, more girl go to university and in school students must go a school uniform.
Po pierwsze to jest za glugie zdnie, gubie sie co masz na mysli - prosze przepisz to, zeby bylo jasniej.

In history education their country is very 'similarities' (-nie to slowo), because Poland had A complicated education 'systems' (ile tych systemow bylo?). Classes were large, 'traditional teaching' (tak, ale co z tgo - czy to dobre czy zle bylo?), partition schoolS for rich and poor AND THE teacher used to hit children if they made A mistake.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie