proszę o sprawdzenie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej! muszę napisac dialog ale niestety nie potrafię, poniewaz moj angieski nie jest zbyt dobry. ale sprobowalam go sama napisac i prosze o poprawe oraz jak ktos moze to rozbudowanie go troche, zeby byl bardziej 'ambitny' :) z gory dzieki:)

-This soup is too cold and in addition it’s oversalted.
-It’s impossible. You must make a mistake.
-I don’t be wrong. I want speak with the chief at once.
-So what can I help you? What did happen?
-Yes! the soup which was ordered by me is too salty and in addition it’s cold.
-I beg your pardon! Please - not be irritated.
-Jak I’m not irritate when I’m hungry and I get the soup which it’s not to be suitable to eat!
-I’m sorry.Iin a moment the waiter will bring you the new soup and please not to pay for its – it’s free of charge.
-thanks. I want to get the second dish which I also ordered. I hope that this time the food will be good.
-oh of course. Once again I’m apologize for this situation. Please, you also choose quencher without-paid, of course.
-Tthanks. I’m very glad that so ended this situation.
-Me too. Good appetite. I hope you will go here next time..
You must (tu cos brakuje)make a mistake.
I 'don't' (nie to slowo) be wrong. I want (tu cos brakuje)speak with the chief at once.
'So what can I help you?' (czy to sa 2 zdania So what! can I help you?
What 'did happen' (nie to slowo)?
Please - (tu cos brakuje) not be irritated.
I'm not (tutaj cos brakuje) 'irritate' (tutaj czas przeszly) when I'm hungry and I get the soup which 'it's' IS not 'to be' (a to po co?) suitable to eat!
..please not to pay for 'its' (zle slowo) - it's free of charge.
Once again 'I'm' (nie to slowo) apologize for this situation.
Please, you (tu cos brakuje) also choose A quencher 'without-paid' (tu cos nie tak), of course.
I'm very glad that 'so ended this situation' (zla kol slow - i cos brakuje).
I hope you will 'go' (nie go - cos innego - go-to pojsc) here next time.
dzieki:) postaralam sie cos poprawic ale srednio mi poszlo. wiec prosze raz jeszcze o sprawdzenie:)

-This soup is too cold and in addition it’s oversalted.
-It’s impossible. You must (tu cos brakuje) make a mistake.
-I’m not wrong. I want to speak with the chief at once.
-So what? Can I help you? What ‘did happen’(nie to slowo)?
-Yes! the soup which was ordered by me is too salty and in addition it’s cold.
-I beg your pardon! Please – don’t be irritated.
-‘Jak’ I’m not (tutaj cos brakuje) irritated when I’m hungry and I get the soup which is not suitable to eat!
-I’m sorry.Iin a moment the waiter will bring you the new soup and please not to pay for this soup – it’s free of charge.
-thanks. I want to get the second dish which I also ordered. I hope that this time the food will be good.
-oh of course. Once again ‘I’m’ (nie to slowo) apologize for this situation. Please, you can also choose quencher ‘without-paid’ (tu cos nie tak), of course.
-Thanks. I’m very glad that this situation ended in such a way.
-Me too. Good appetite. I hope you will come here next time..
pomoze ktos? :))


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