czy mógłby ktoś na to spojrzeć

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I'm staying in England for a few weeks.
You see , I am a businessman and I want to improve my English.
I'm attending a special course in business English at the moment.
The course last three weeks.

I come from Italy but I studying in England at the moment. I'm staying with a British family.
I believe it is the best way to become fluent in the language because you don't just use English in the classroom but in your every day lief as well.

I visit England every two or three years, so I speak some English but not much. That is why I'm learning the language at a language school. I go to classes every morning, so I'm free in the afternoons to do whatever I please. I usually go out with people from my class and while we sightsee, we try to practise our English as well.

In this story, a girl finds a time machine and travels through time.
Don't bother me now. I'm writing an important letter.
I'm thinking about grandmother. We hardly ever visit her. Let's visit her tomorrow.
The minibus, which takes people to the other side of the island, leaves at 11:00 and returns at 06:00 p.m.
Arthur cleans our swimming pool twice a month.
I'm sleeping at my mother's house this week because I am having my house painted.
When are you leaving for Rome
Tomorrow at 08:00 a.m.
I am thinking you should buy him a tie. He likes to dress formally.
Flowers bloom at spring.
You turn left at the traffic lights and go up Oxford Street.
Here comes Kelly. Let's tell her the news.
I am listening to the weather report now. I want to know tomorrow's weather.

I'm writing in response to your article on recycling. Yes, I agree that our society has become a „throw away” society and that we need to take recycling more seriously, but the government doesn't do anything about it at the moment. It seem that the problem is get worse and worse all the time. Even though they continually(miałam do wyboru albo wstawić wyraz wcześniej albo encourage) us to recycle our rubbish, government controlled companies don't recycle theirs.

For instance, the telephone directory. Every year, we receive a telephone directory which consist of over 1000 pages. The following year, when we receive the new telephone directory we throw the old one away. What a waste! At the moment, in other countries governments introduce new measures to protect the environment and they try to make people more aware of how important recycling is.

What do they do with their old telephone directories? Well, people takes their old telephone directories to a local post office for recycling in order to get a new one.

It is time the government acted more responsibly.

I'm usually have a cup of coffee at the office.
Don't wait for me because I don't come with you.
You're always complain about my cooking!
Many drivers are smoking while driving.
The little boy knows the alphabet.
She is giving a party next week.
Gary rarely uses car at the weekend.
I'm not eating sweets these days as I'm on a diet.
I sometimes watch TV in the morning.
I'm watering the plants for my neighbours this week.
There is going James in his new car!
Your Franch is improving.

John always criticising my friends.
We're having a arrange to meet at 8:00 p.m tomorrow.
Helen doesn't rarely goes to the theatre.
I'm thinking about visiting my cousins in Canada next summer.
What time is your plane scheduled land at Heathrow.
I'm having a dinner arrange with Jerry.
As times goes by, he is more eccentric.
They never eat a spicy food, as they don't like it.
Jane is working at the supermarket this summer.
How much cost that green jacket, Sir?

It was my brithday so I ask out a friend to celebrate it with me.
When we had finished having dinner, I ask for the bill.
As I was looking out of the window, I saw three masked men trying to break in the bank across the street. Before I could react, there was an explosion. The robbers had break into a car that was parked near the bank to distract people's attention, so that they could break up withhout being noticed. Just then, the robbers ran out of the bank and got into a white Fiat. But they were unluckly. Five hundred meters down the street their car blow up and they were caught.
After the incident, the police break up the crowd of people that had gathered and life returned to normal again.

Tax forms must be handed in at the end of March. After the 10th you will have to pay a fine.
We had a teacherat school who taught us art and craft.
They got married within six months of their first meeting, it was love at first sight.
At the age of 35, Mark decided to study engineering.
Tom had an accident because ha was speeding. He was going at 140 km per hour.
When I am at home, I like to lie on the sofa and nothing at all.
At the end of the game we couldn't decide who the winner is.
At first I thought she was joking but then I realised that she was serious.
We're having a small surprise party at home today, so make sure you're back at the office by 12:30 p.m..


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