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Bardzo proszę o pomoc w sprawdzeniu listu :)
Dear Kate,
How are you? I hope that you passed your driving test. My eźams came out and I can start relaxing.
I'm writing to tell you about my plans for next year. I'm going to go to Australia and work as a waitress.
But my parents don't sgree with my decision. When I told them what I want to do They were shocked.Their reason against my departure is that I will be there alone and something may be happen. But I don't agree. I'm 18 years old and I'm reasonable and responsible. My parents expect that I will continuate my study. I think staying abroad don't trouble in educate. I'm going to work and in second year start study. I'm really sad and disappointed that my parents don't understand me.Please, give me an advice, what should I do.
I must finish because I have a quitar lessons.
Take a care,


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