Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie z góry dziękuje.

I would like to invite all members of English Language Club to watching my new documentary film “Homelessness”. This English film is about three homeless people from outskirts of London. It shows all their current life on a street. Everyone who want to watch the film should come to our club on Monday (21.12.2009) at 5 pm. I am sure that you would enjoy the film because of interesting plot and excellent music.
> Invitation
> I would like to invite all members of PRZED English Language Club to
>WATCH my new documentary film “Homelessness". This English
>film is about three homeless people from PRZED outskirts of London. It shows
>all their current life on THE streetS. Everyone who AAAwantAAA to watch the
>film should come to our club on Monday (21 DEC 2009) at 5 pm. I am sure
>that you WILL enjoy the film because of AN interesting plot and
>excellent music.

PRZED = musisz wstawić odpowiedni przedimek
no i dodaj coś do 'want'.
Dzięki za sprawdzenie

>> Invitation
>> I would like to invite all members of the English Language Club
>>WATCH my new documentary film “Homelessness". This English
>>film is about three homeless people from the outskirts of
>London. It shows
>>all their current life on THE streetS. Everyone who wanted to
>watch the
>>film should come to our club on Monday (21 DEC 2009) at 5 pm. I am
>>that you WILL enjoy the film because of AN interesting plot and
>>excellent music.

teraz ok??
mam jeszcze jedna prośbe dlaczego w ostatnim zdaniu ma być will, a nie moze byc would??
...Everyone who 'wanted' (tu musi byc WANTS. Wanted-to czas przeszly, a nikt jeszcze tego filmu nie ogladal) to watch the...
byloby poprawne w takim wypadku:
I WAS sure that you WOULD enjoy...

w zdaniu:
I AM sure you WILL enjoy...
uzyjesz 'will'

ale w takim czyms mozesz uzyc 'would':

I am sure you would enjoy the film if you wanted to see it. (ale tak sie sklada, ze nie chcesz go zobaczyc, co powoduje, ze jestes pesymistycznie nastawiony do tego, iz spodobalby ci sie ten film)
mam jeszcze jedna prośbe dlaczego w ostatnim zdaniu ma być will, a
>nie moze byc would?

to mozna po polsku wyjasnic:
zapraszam na film. Mam nadzieje, ze sie wam sposoba


... ze sie wam spodobalby
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Programy do nauki języków