PROSZĘ o sprawdzenie listu zależy mi na czasie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am writing to you with complain. The cause of my dissatisfaction is rude and anexcepted attitude of your employer.
Two days ago on 16 th of May I go schopping. I want buy in yours shop red trousers. I asked the shop assistent where are the changing rooms but he was talking with young women and on top of that he ignorated me. I found another person which helped me and showed the way.
When I want paid your employer tried to cheat me.
The price of item which I would buy was different ans cheeper then the price which suggested by shop assistent.
He was arrogant and offened me.
What is more he considered that I am a fraud.
This person should not works in this job, because his behaviour discourageklients.
Once more I felt aggriered and I demand apologise and the compensation.
I look forward to receiving your reply.

Zwylke gubię się w czasach, byłabym wdzięczna za pomoc.
Prosze pamietac o uzywanie slowa 'the' - prosze przeczytac uwaznie kiedy i jak to sie uzywa.

I am writing to you with 'A' complainT.
The cause of my dissatisfaction is THE rude and 'anexcepted' (ortog) attitude of your 'employer' (tutaj EMPLOYEE-pracownika).
Two days ago on THE 16th of May I 'go' (czas pezeszly WENT) 'schopping' (oprtog). I wantED (czas przeszly) TO buy (co? a pair of red trousers) in 'yours' YOUR shop 'red trousers'.
I asked the shop 'assistent' (ortog) where are the changing rooms, (przecinek)
but (at the time) he was talking with A young 'women' (women to l. mn od womAn-l. poj) and on top of that he 'ignorated' (ortog) me. I found another person 'which' (jak o ludziach to WHO) helped me and showed (ale komu? ME) the way.
When I 'want' (ortog) TO 'paid' czas ter.PAY) your employeE tried to cheat me.
The price of THE item which I 'would'? WANTED TO buy was different anD 'cheeper' (ortog) 'then' (then to znaczy 'pozniej, tutaj cos innego) the price which WAS suggested by THE shop 'assistent' (ortog).
He was arrogant and offenDed me.
What is more he considered that I 'am' WAS a fraud.
This person should not 'works' WORK in this job, because his behaviour
discourageS 'klients' (ortog - clients).
Once more I felt 'aggriered' (ortog) and I demand AN 'apologise' (tutaj rzecz.) and 'the' (some form of) compensation.
Dziękuję bardzo serdecznie za pomoc .pozdrawiam


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