Bardzo proszę o pomoc (PILNE)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My favourite places at home is my room.I like it very much because it belongs only to me. I spend in my room meny hours. It furnish according my taste and adapt to rest and learning. There is one, big windows. when i look from it, I can see my neighbours and my beautiful garden. Under the window is radiator. The walls of my room are painted on bright beige. I have big blue bed where lie two small, yellow cushions. By the window stand my desk. I very like it, because is large, I have many free space on this table and I doing my homework on it. On the desk stand my computer, which I use to speak with my friends, play in game and listen my favourite music. I have a lot of CD and I listen it when I feel bad or I have many free time. In my room is bookcase, when are my books, cosmetics and different things. I very like my room because when I am in it I feel better.
Bardzo proszę o pomoc. To moja praca domowa na jutro, a nie jestem zbyt dobra z angielskiego. A nie chcę jeszcze przepisywać do zeszytu, bo mam nadzieje, ze ktoś mi ją sprawdzi. Z góry bardzo dziękuję :)
>My favourite {place} at home is my room.I like it very much because
>it {only} belongs to me. I spend {a lot of hours} in my room. It {is furnished}
>according {to} my taste and {adapted for relaxation} and learning. There is one big
>{window}. {When I} look {through/out of} it, I can see my neighbours and my beautiful
>garden. {Below} the window is {the} radiator. The walls of my room are painted
>{} bright beige. I have {a} big, blue bed {with} two small, yellow
>cushions {lying on it}. {My} desk {stands by the window}. I like it {very much} because {it} is
>large, I have {a lot of} free space {} and I {do} my homework on
>it. On the desk stand {There is} my computer {standing on the desk}, which I use to speak with my
>friends, play {games} and listen {to} my favourite music. I have a lot of
>{CDs} and I listen {to them} when I feel bad or {} have {lots of} free time. In my
>room {there} is {also a} bookcase, {where} my books, cosmetics and different things {are kept}. I
>{} like my room {very much} because {whenever} I am in it I feel better.
Serdecznie dziękuję za pomoc. Pozdrawiam :)


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