list formalny

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Muszę napisac list ''Chcesz spedzic ferie zimowe w jakimś z europejskich kurortów narciarskich napisz list do biura podróży i zapytaj o

1.termin wyjazdu i pogode
2.warunki zakwaterowania
3. cenę o znizki dla uczniów
Czy mógłby ktoś poprawić błędy i przetlumaczyc jedno zdanie na pl ??

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to enquire about ski resorts in Europe, because I want spend winter holidays. I would be grateful if you could send me some information about some places.
Firstly, what would be date of departure ? The most conveniently time for me would be February.
Secondly, what's the weather like over there ? Another questions concern conditions of accomodation. I am interested board and lodging include the price.
Furthermore I would like to know are there any discounts for students?
Mam nadzieję na wspaniałe spędzenie czasu w jakims pieknym miejscu.

I would appreciate an early reply.
Yours faithfully
Dear Sir/Madam, (ja lubie przecinek po Madam, ale nie wszyscy robia tak)
I am writing to enquire about ski resorts in Europe, because I want
TO spend winter holidays (ale gdzie?).
Firstly, what would be THE date of departure? (ale czym i gdzie?)
The most 'conveniently' (nie, tutaj CONVENIENT) time for me would be February.
Secondly, what's the weather like over there? (over where? all of Europe?) Another 'questions' QUESTION (questions to l. mnoga)concernS ('it' (question)concerns) THE 'conditions' (moze lepiej TYPES) of accomodation. I am interested IN board and lodging includeD IN the price.
Furthermore I would like to know IF THERE are any discounts for students?
((Mam nadzieję na wspaniałe spędzenie czasu w jakims pieknym miejscu)).
Yours faithfully, (ja lubie przecienk po faithfully,)
>(Mam nadzieję na wspaniałe spędzenie czasu w jakims pieknym miejscu).
I hope to have a very enjoyable time in one of the wonderful resorts.
(...)because I want to spend winter holidays [in Austria].
Firstly, what would be the date of departure [from airport in Warsaw]?

Czy te wyrazy wstawione w nawiasach mogą być ?? Austria- ok.
Firstly, what would 'be'(nie tutaj) the date of departure BE from AN airport in Warsaw? Mozesz tez...departure be from Okecie Airport in Warsaw?
Dziekuje serdecznie!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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