Sprawdzenie tekstu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
To jest tekst który sama napisalam o moich przeszłych wakacjach, tylko nie jestem pewna czy dobrze ( to musi byc w czasie past simple i past continious)

1. Holiday is the most perfect time of the year.
2. You shouldn’t learn and you shouldn’t think about school
3. Last holiday I've spent in Turkey with my family
4. It was the best summer in all my life
5. I went to this beautiful country by plane , this is first time when I traveled by plane
6. I was living in a great hotel in Belek
7. Hotel was located near beach, this is big advantage
8. The weather was just glamorous: the sun was shining all the time and the sea was clean
9. Usually after breakfast I was swimming with my brother and sister in swimming pool .
10. Sometimes we have spent time on the beach but not all the time because the water is too salt
11. Hotel was organized every day in evening very funny performance
12. We went in Serik on fair(targ)
13. People in fair sometimes was importunate but this is no problem because this is their culture and their there are way of earning money
14. When we was in Turkey we was in rafting
15. This is a big fun and an unforgettable experience
16. Also we fly on paraglide .
17. Paragliding is a recreational and competitive flying sport, a paraglide is a free-flying.
18. This is very exciting . I think that everybody must do this in their life
19. Turkey is really beautiful country and this holiday is really great


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