list na jutro /sprawdzenie help :P

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam ! Mam wielką prośbę ,mianowicie prosze o sprawdzenie mojego listu i wyłapaniu możliwych błędów.
W liscie chodzi mniej wiecej o to że kolega z USA chciał zaprosic mnie na świeta Wielkanocne.
Niestety ja muszę mu odmówić i zaprośic do siebie.
Mam tez opisac w jakis sposób sie do tych świąt przygotowywuje i obiecac mu że kiedy juz przyjedzie pokaże mu swoje miasto i okolicę.Całość nie może przekraczac 120 słów.
Możecie się smiać ile chcecie z tego co napisałem pozwalam, ale proszę pomóżcie :D list mam oddac jutro.

Dear Peter ,
Thank you for you letter,it was very kind of you to write.
I'm writing this letter because I must inform you that I won't arrive to you.
I'm sorry but I must avoid far-away tour.
I would like invite you to me on easter.I'm sure that with me familly you will spend easter in very nice and calm atmosphere.
I with my familly are preparing to easter since two weeks.
A for all the time we are cleaning flat,preparing foods,and inviting our familly.
When you will decide arrive I will show you my city and neighbourhood, I'm sure that you will delighted.
Well, I must finish because I,m very busing now.
Looking forward to seeing you.

>Thank you for you letter,it was very kind of you to write.

srednik nie przecinek.

I'm writing this letter because I must inform you that I won't arrive
>to you. I'm sorry but I must avoid far-away tour.

...that I won't be able to visit you/that I cannot visit you as I must avoid long trips.

>I would like invite you to me on easter.
However, I would like to invite you to visit me for Easter.

I'm sure that with me familly
>you will spend easter in very nice and calm atmosphere. family you will spend Easter in a very nice....

>I with my familly are preparing to easter since two weeks.
My family and I have been preparing for Easter for two weeks now.

>A for all the time we are cleaning flat,preparing foods,and inviting
>our familly.
We are cleaning the flat....FAMILY

>When you will decide arrive I will show you my city and
>neighbourhood, I'm sure that you will delighted.

If you decide to come, I will show.......srednik po neighbourhood nie przecinek.

very busing now
Eva74 jesteś boska :D
sprawdzanie trwało niecałe 10 min :D


FCE - sesja wiosna 2008


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie