Proszę o sprawdzenie - krótka biografia

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Z góry dziękuję :)

Isaac Newton was born on 4th January 1643 at Woolsthorpe Manor. He began schooling in a village school and then was sent to The King's School, where he became the top student. There he met Anne Storer and got engaged with her. Then he went to The Univesity of Cambridge and the romance cooled. Newton didn't get married till the end of his life. What was the reason for it? Maybe he wasn't handsome? I don't know, but there you can see several pictures which show how Newton looked like. He had got high forehead and it means that he was a very intelligent, comprehensively talented person. Newton was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, alchemist and theologian. He wrote a number of scientific books. You should remember him from physics lessons as he is that man who described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. You should also remember a story about how he found the gravitation. It is said that Newton was sitting under a tree when suddenly an apple hit his headand this impact made him aware of the force of gravity. Nowadays people argue, where "this" tree grows and may various trees are claimed to be this one. However, we'll never know the truth.