List do sprawdzenia.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie tego listu, będę bardzo wdzięczny.

Dear Greg Phelous,
I write because I would like to complaint your product.
A cd player which my father bought broken. As for it condition, it is not functioning properly. Hardly had I discovered that the screen does not appear when I found out that guarantee expired last month, while in your offer was written that you offer 2 yearly! It is ridiculous! How could you sell products in this condition!
Moreover I demand the removal of a defect, new guarantee card, as well. If it is not possible I want reimburse the product!
As far as date of purchase is concerned it took place in 27th January this year in Krakow.
I hope that you consider the appeal.

Stay in touch,

Z góry dziękuję.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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