Sprawdzenie i korekta błędów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My favourite restaurant is "Aquarius ". It's in the centre of my town. Inside(interior) the restaurant is very modern. The walls are painted in bright and sea colours, there are also a lot of beautiful paintings.In the middle there is an aquarium with big fishes, which is surrounded (by rows) of very comfortable sofas and round tables with a candle on each. I like sitting there especially(specially) in the night, when the candles make a specyfic romantic atmosphere. Apart from there they play my favourite music which is dance and house and from time to time there is a karaoke.
"Aquarius" serve choice and delicious food from all parts of the world. You can choose from one hundred meals, starting from sea food and ending on chips. They ere famous from their delicious pizza. And was is most important their food is dirt a cheap.
I go to "Aquarius" every time I am hungry or I want to spend a good time with my friends.
'Inside(interior)' (lepiej The interior of) the restaurant is very modern.
The walls are painted in bright and sea colours, there are also a lot of beautiful paintings (hanging on the wall?).
In the middle (of the room?) there is an aquarium with big fishes, which is surrounded by rows of very comfortable sofas and round tables with a
candle on each. I like sitting there especially 'in the' AT night, when the candles make a 'specyfic' SPECIFIC romantic atmosphere. Apart
from (cos tu brakuje) there they play my favourite music which is dance MUSIC and house and from time to time there is a karaoke.
You can choose from one hundred meals, starting from sea food
and ending 'on' WITH chips. They 'ere' ARE famous 'from' FOR their delicious pizza. And 'was' (zle slowo- tutaj WHAT) is most important their food is dirt 'a' (niepotr) cheap.
zauważyłam jeszcze: big fishes - lepiej: FISH
dzięki wielkie :)
nie, niech zostanie 'big fishes' - mowa tu nie o jakiejs rybie, ale o gatunkach ryb, ktore sa ogromne


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