rozprawka: prose o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
czy moglby ktos sprawdzic. Bylbym wdzieczny. Dziekuje:)

Mobile phone is one of the inventions that revolutionized our lives. Almost everyone have a one today and it’s hard to imagine life without them. They have a numerous of benefits, despite some people says they are appliance, that restrict our freedom.

First of all, mobile phones ensure possibility to contact with other people independtly of where you are and what you are doing. You haven’t to look for a public phone, because you have your own phone in your pocket. They save as a lot of time and make our life easier.

Secondly, mobile phones are valuable and helpful in case of emergency, where human life is in a dangerous. And there isn’t other way to call for help. So mobile phones can sometimes save you life, becasue the ambluance would arrive on time.

What is more, mobile phones are useful for busy paranets, who spend almost the whole day in work. Children can contact with their parents by mobile phones all the time, if they only have some problem. So, both sides can feel more comfortable and saftly. Moreover, parants can check where their kids are at particular moment.

On balance it seems that mobile phones are present in every aspects of our life. And they are still becaming more and more popular and functional.. If they are using reasonable, I think they are on of the most handy invention in humany history.

Mobile phone is one of the inventions that (have) revolutionized our lives.
Almost everyone 'have a one' (have a one what?) today and it's hard to imagine life without them. They have 'a' (niepotr) numerous 'of' (niepotr) benefits, despite some people 'says' SAYING THAT they are applianceS, that restrict our freedom.
First of all, mobile phones ensure THE possibility 'to' OF contact with other
people 'independtly' (ortog) of where you are and what you are doing. You
'haven't' (tego nie lubie - wg mnie You do not have to look for....) to look for a public phone, because you have your own phone in your pocket. They save 'as' (ortog) a lot of time and make our life easier.
Secondly, mobile phones are valuable and helpful in case of emergency,
where human life is in 'a' (co jest z tym 'a'?) 'dangerous' DANGER, and there isn't ANY other way to call for help. So mobile phones can sometimes save youR life, 'becasue' (prosze popraw-!!) the 'ambluance' (ortog) 'would' WILL arrive on time.
What is more, mobile phones are useful for busy 'paranets' (ortog), who spend
almost the whole day 'in' AT work. Children can contact 'with' (niepotr) their parents by mobile phones all the time, if they only have 'some' A problem. So,
both sides can feel more comfortable and 'saftly' (ortog). Moreover, parants can
check where their 'kids' (nie lubie tego slowa - tutaj children) are at A particular moment.
On balance it seems that mobile phones are present in every 'aspects' (aspect czy aspects?) of our life. 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and') they are still 'becaming' (ortog) more and more popular and functional. If they are 'using' USED reasonablY, I think they are 'on' (ortog) of the
most handy inventionS in humany history.
Dzieki wielkie:)


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