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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Temat: Are computers a benefit to us today or a nuisance?

Nowadays computers take an important part of our life. We use computers at home, work and we are often assisted by them in shops, banks, offices and may other places.
In my opinion computers are benefit to us but there are also people who think thatit is a niusance.

First of all, a computer is really convenient and helpful thing, it often makes lot of work for us, like writing or searching informations, which normally consumes plenty of time.

Another useful thing is that by the computer we can do a lot of activities without going out, like shopping, talking with other people, even working.

On the other hand, it may have bad effect to us. Computers do harm to our eyes if we use them too much. As a result, we can lose our sight.
Or we can depend on computers and may fail our duties.

Summing up, computers are really comfortable, useful and of benefit thing to us, but we must remember to use them in a reasonably way.

Proszę o sprawdzenie, wogóle nie wiem czy dobrze zrozumiałam temat...
Nowadays computers 'take' (zle slowo - tutaj PLAY) an important part 'of' IN our life.
In my opinion computers are OF benefit to us, but there are also people
who think that 'it' (nie mozesz mowic 'it' jak mowisz o l. mn - computers) 'is' (zmien to na l. mn) a 'niusance' (ortog).
First of all, a computer is really convenient and A helpful thing, it
often 'makes lot of work for us' (to co napisalas, to, ze one robia dla nas duzo pracy - a ma byc przeciwnie), like writing or searching
'informations' INFORMATION, which normally consumes plenty of time.
Another useful thing is that 'by' USING 'the' A computer we can do a lot of
activities without going out, like shopping, talking with other
people, even working.
On the other hand, 'it' (to znaczy co?) may have A bad effect 'to' ON us.
Or we can depend on computers and may fail IN our duties.
Summing up, computers are really comfortable, useful and of benefit
'thing' (niepotr) to us, but we must remember to use them in a reasonablE way.
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