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Właśnie skończyłem pisać stronę internetową: http://www.embedded-engineering.pl/eng_index.html , w związku z czym mam do Was ogromną prośbę o sprawdzenie ewentualnych błędów, które na pewno popełniłem.

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You w środku zdania piszemy małą literą
Information - niepoliczalne
projects - liczba mnoga
consists - > contains

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You're on web page which presents my finished projects. I would like
also to offer help with embedded systems and systems programming to you.

At section 'Offer' there are information about help which I'm able to
provide you with your projects.

On page 'Projects' there are descriptions of a more interesting projects
which I did.

Section 'Knowledge' consists some information about embedded systems and links to course materials which I think are very quality.

From page 'About me', you'll know exactly who I am. You'll also find
there my current Curriculum Vitae.

Jan Kowalski

I have the pleasure of offering You my help with the following branch:

- Writing software for embedded operating systems (QNX, Linux)
- Microprocessor systems programming (MC68HC908x, PIC18Fx, AVR).
- Writing system software and drivers for operating systems (QNX 4.x/6.x Neutrino, Linux 2.4.x/2.6.x, MS Windows).
- Writing software which communicate with peripheral devices.
- Creating project documentation in DXP Protel 2004 program.

I treat each freelance work as challenge so I'll even take the most difficult and non-standard tasks.

I would like to invite You to the 'Projects' section where You could read about my previous projects.

[28/03/2008] Implementation of the QNX 6.3.2 on the Intel PXA255 platform.
[01/09/2007] Firmware for industrial converter for physical and chemical measurements.

On the list below, I placed descriptions of my finished projects:
- Completion of the Shrage algorithm on P18F8680 microprocessor
- PIRO - Printed circuit breaks software detector
- SD cards reader
- MC68HC908x family programmer
- SCI library for MC68HC908GP32
- The 4UpGrade robot
- The Pala Rangers robot
- The ULAB2000 recorder

At the beginning, You must know what is an embedded system and what is it for. I encourage You to read the article which tries to define those systems: 'What's Embedded?'. I think that right definition is on introduction to the "Embedded C" by Michael J. Pont:

"An embedded system is an application that contains at least one programmable computer (typically in the form of a microcontroller, a microprocessor or digital signal processor chip) and which is used by individuals who are, in the main, unaware that the system is computer-based."


The list below consists titles of a books, which I think are very important and helpful at embedded software engineer work:

- "Embedded C" - Michael J. Pont
This book is an ideal introduction to embedded system programming. It describes the most important aspects of microprocessor devices programming. The book is for beginner developers.

- "The Firmware Handbook" - Jack Ganssle
The book is useful for every embedded software engineer. Admittedly it is geared towards a hardware, but it comes close to the most important embedded system design aspects. It is not a tutorial to someone totally new to embedded world.

- "Numerical Methods Real Time and Embedded Systems Programming" - Don Morgan
This is the position which precisely describes a numerical methods in embedded systems. You can use it as a collection of ready algorithms. It is for advanced readers.

- "Embedded Software: Know It All" - J. Labrosse, J. Ganssle, R. Oshana, C. Walls, K. Curtis, J. Andrews, D. Katz, R. Gentile, K. Hyder, B. Perrin
Easily the most important book for low-level programmers. It describes in detail each embedded software aspect. I think it is one of the most useful book for intermediate readers.

- "Operating systems concepts" - A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, G. Gagne
The book introduces every aspect of operating system design. This is very valuables book for intermediate readers.


At this place I would like to enumerate the most important sources which are about embedded systems:


My name is Jan Kowalski and I was born in 1985. I come from Olsztyn, but actually I'm living in Wroclaw (Poland) where I study Automatic Control and Robotics at Wroclaw University of Technology.

I work at Janex as Embedded Software Engineer.

I've been always fascinated by low-level software engineering and electronics. They've become my dream field of study and current job.

I'm mainly interested in the following fields of technology:
- Embedded systems
- Real-time operating systems
- Operating systems

In my free time, I box, go fishing and read books about medieval Europe.

You could also read about my experience in Curriculum Vitae and visit a 'Projects' page.


Dziękuję za zainteresowanie.

PS. Tak, na pewno dozgonnie :)
'You're on web page' (Welcome to the web page) which presents my finished projects. (cos tu brakuje - napisz zdania ktore mowi dlaczego chcesz oferowac help)
I would 'like also to' (also like to) offer YOU help with embedded systems and systems programming. 'to you'.
At THE section 'Offer' there 'are' IS information about THE help which 'I'm' (w calosci I AM) able to provide TO you with your projects.
On 'page 'Projects'' (THE PROJECTS page) there are descriptions of 'a' (niepotr) more interesting projects which I 'did' COMPLETED.
Section 'Knowledge' 'consists' HAS some information about THE embedded systems
and links to course materials which I think are very 'quality' (co?).
From THE page 'About me', you'll know exactly who I am. 'You'll also find
there my current Curriculum Vitae' (There you will find my CV) .
I have 'the' (niepotr) pleasure 'of' IN offering you my help with the following 'branch' (cos tu nie tak):
- Writing software which communicateS with peripheral devices.
I treat each freelance 'work' (moze lepiej ASSIGNMENT) as A challenge so 'I'll' (lepiej I AM WILLING) TO 'even take' TAKE ON EVEN the most difficult and non-standard tasks.
I would like to invite you to the 'Projects' section where you could read about my previous projects. (you piszemy mala litera w srodku zdania)
[28/03/2008] Implementation of the QNX 6.3.2 on the Intel PXA255 platform.
[01/09/2007] 'Firmware' (czy to nie HARDWARE) for industrial converter for physical and chemical measurements.
'On the list below' Please find enclosed below a descriptive list of my finished projects),
(nie znam sie na IT na tyle, zeby potwierdzic czy wszystko tutaj jest ok)
At the beginning, you 'must' (za silne - tutaj SHOULD) know what 'is an embedded system' (AN EMBEDDED SYSTEM IS) and what is it USED for.
I WOULD encourage you to read the article which tries to define thESEe systems: 'What's Embedded?'. I think that THE 'right' MOST APT definition is 'on' IN THE introduction to the "Embedded C" by Michael J. Pont:
The list below 'consists' (niepotr) SHOWS titles of 'a' (ej no? nierob takich bledow- przed rzecz.l.mn nie dajemy 'a') books, which I think are very important and helpful 'at embedded software engineer work'( for the work of an embedded-software engineer):
The Firmware Handbook" - Jack Ganssle
The book is useful for every embedded software engineer. Admittedly it is geared towards 'a' (nie pisze tego 'a' tutaj) hardware, but it comes close to the most important embedded system design aspects.
It is not a tutorial to someone totally new to embedded world (czy noe lepiej ..This is not for beginners, but more experienced...).
...This is the position which precisely describes 'a' (niepotr) numerical methods in embedded systems. You can use it as a collection of ready algorithms. It is for advanced 'readers' (nie readers - a software engineers).
- "Embedded Software: Know It All" -
I think it is one of the most useful bookS for intermediate readers.
- "Operating systems concepts" -
This is very 'valuables' VALUABLE book for intermediate readers.
'At this place' (tego to nigdy nie pisz - HERE) I would like to enumerate the most important sources which 'are about' DESCRIBE embedded systems:
My name is Jan Kowalski 'and I was born in 1985. I come from Olsztyn' (ale to chyba jest w CV - po co powtarzac), 'but actually I'm living in Wroclaw' (wystarczy... I live in Wroclaw) (Poland) where I study Automatic Control and Robotics at THE Wroclaw University of Technology.
I work at Janex (a co to jest -duza, mala firma w czym sie specjalizuja) AS A Embedded Software Engineer.
....study and MY current job.
You 'could' CAN 'also' (niepotr) read about my experience in MY Curriculum Vitae and BY visit 'a' THE 'Projects' page.
>'but _actually_ I'm living in Wroclaw

pewnie chodzilo o 'currently', po polsku 'aktualnie'
Dziękuję Ci serdecznie za pomoc. Bardzo Mi pomogłaś/eś.

Pozdrawiam Gorąco
pakk, dzieki.
>>'but _actually_ I'm living in Wroclaw
po ang. 'actually' wyglada troche pretentious.
zauwazylam cos:
ostatnia linijka
...MY Curriculum Vitae and BY visitING 'a' THE 'Projects' page.
Poprawiłem tekst, zgodnie z waszymi sugestiami. Wygląda on teraz następująco:


You're on a web page which presents my finished projects. Besides them
I'd like to offer you help with embedded systems and system programming.

In the section 'Offer' you'll find the information about help with your
projects which I am able to provide you .

On the page 'Projects' are descriptions of the most interesting projects
which I've created.

Section 'Knowledge' has some information about the embedded systems and
links to course materials which I think are of a good quality.

From the page 'About me', you'll learn exactly who I am. You'll also
find my current Curriculum Vitae there.

Jan Kowalski

I have pleasure in offering you my help with the following branch:

- Writing software for embedded operating systems (QNX, Linux)
- Microprocessor systems programming (MC68HC908x, PIC18Fx, AVR).
- Writing system software and drivers for operating systems (QNX 4.x/6.x
Neutrino, Linux 2.4.x/2.6.x, MS Windows).
- Writing software which communicates with peripheral devices.
- Creating project documentation in DXP Protel 2004 program.

I treat each freelance assignment as a challenge so I'll take on even
the most difficult and non-standard tasks.

I would like to invite you to the 'Projects' section where you could
read about my previous projects.

[28/03/2008] Implementation of the QNX 6.3.2 on the Intel PXA255 platform.
[01/09/2007] Firmware for industrial converter for physical and chemical

Please find enclosed below a descriptive list of my finished projects:
- Completion of the Shrage algorithm on P18F8680 microprocessor
- PIRO - Printed circuit breaks software detector
- SD cards reader
- MC68HC908x family programmer
- SCI library for MC68HC908GP32
- The 4UpGrade robot
- The Pala Rangers robot
- The ULAB2000 recorder

At the beginning, you should know what an embedded system is and what is
it used for. I would encourage you to read the article which tries to
define these systems: 'What's Embedded?'. I think that the most apt
definition is in the introduction to the "Embedded C" by Michael J. Pont:

"An embedded system is an application that contains at least one
programmable computer (typically in the form of a microcontroller, a
microprocessor or digital signal processor chip) and which is used by
individuals who are, in the main, unaware that the system is


The list below shows titles of books, which I think are very
important and helpful for the work of an embedded software engineer:

- "Embedded C" - Michael J. Pont
This book is an ideal introduction to embedded system programming. It
describes the most important aspects of microprocessor devices
programming. The book is for beginner developers.

- "The Firmware Handbook" - Jack Ganssle
The book is useful for every embedded software engineer. Admittedly it
is geared towards hardware, but it comes close to the most important
embedded system design aspects. It is not a tutorial to someone totally
new to embedded world.

- "Numerical Methods Real Time and Embedded Systems Programming" - Don
This is the position which precisely describes numerical methods in
embedded systems. You can use it as a collection of ready algorithms. It
is for advanced software engineers.

- "Embedded Software: Know It All" - J. Labrosse, J. Ganssle, R. Oshana,
C. Walls, K. Curtis, J. Andrews, D. Katz, R. Gentile, K. Hyder, B. Perrin
Easily the most important book for low-level programmers. It describes
in detail each embedded software aspect. I think it is one of the most
useful books for intermediate readers.

- "Operating systems concepts" - A. Silberschatz, P. Galvin, G. Gagne
The book introduces every aspect of operating system design. This is
very valuable book for intermediate readers.


Here I'd like to enumerate the most important sources which describe
embedded systems:

My name is Jan Kowalski and I was born in 1985. I come from Olsztyn, but
currently I am living in Wroclaw (Poland) where I study Automatic
Control and Robotics at the Wroclaw University of Technology.

I work at Tel-Eko Projekt as a Embedded Software Engineer.

I've been always fascinated by low-level software engineering and
electronics. They've become my dream field of study and my current job.

I am mainly interested in the following fields of technology:
- Embedded systems
- Real-time operating systems
- Operating systems

In my free time, I box, go fishing and read books about medieval Europe.

You can read about my experience in my Curriculum Vitae and by visit the
'Projects' page.


Dziękuję za zainteresowanie
>with the following branch:

wykasuj "branch"
A może zamiast 'branch' dać 'fields'?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie