Prosze o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tekst o moim najbardziej excetujacym meczu jaki kiedy kolwiek widzialem

My the most exciting sport when I have ever seen is Volleyball. The match was two days ago. The match was in Sunday in sports hall in Łódź. The match was about three place champions League between Skra Belchatow and champions Italy Sisley Treviso. I saw the match on TV with my frends. The match won Skra Belchatow. It was 3:2. Skra is three club on the word.

Prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie bledow, ewentualnie o dopisanie czegos.
Z gory dziekuje i pozdrawiam ;]
The most exciting sport event I have ever seen was volleyball match that took place in the sports hall in Łódź two day ago. Skra Bełchatów was playing for the third place un the Champions League against Italian champions Sisley Treviso. I was seeing the match on TV with my friends. The match was won by Skra Bełchatów. It was 3:2. Now, Skra is third the best club in the world.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie