opis wykresu, prosze o poprawe moich wypocin ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam :)
potrzebuje pare zdan na temat wykresu :

picture shows that early this century lung cancer was rare desease.
Rates began to increase in man during he 1930 and 1940.
In the earlier part of this century few women smoked.
Lung cancer rate increase in women in 1960.
Man always die more often from lung cancer, because they smoke more heavily than woen, they choose cigarettes with a higher tar contene.

chcialabym dodac jeszcze, ze u mezczyzn smiertelnosc z powodu raka pluc troszke maleje
chcialabym dodac jeszcze, ze u mezczyzn smiertelnosc z powodu raka pluc troszke maleje

The number of lung cancer related deaths among males is declining.
Wersja alternatywna:

As we can see in the chart the mortality rate of 'males' lung cancer in Australia are noticeable soared in the post world war II years reaching dangerous level in late 70's. The lower rate in first half of the century might be due to lack of appropriate evidence regarding the disease. We shall also notice considerable differences between both sexes. We couldn't make a bad assumption when we try to justify the difference claiming that women usually smoke less heavily than men, but the 'females' factor eventually began to increase since 70's. Since introduced many campaigns against smoking we shall hope that in future the death rate according tobacco smoking will decrease.