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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I was walking throught the countryside one day with my friend.We came across a ruined mension.This was a old palace.Building had a big tarrace,beautiful front door,a lot of windows and wonderful garden with a blue fountain.But the palace was very old ,destruction ald neglect.My friend and I were very corious whay was (w środku).The front door wasn't closed to key so we rosolved (wejść do środka).When we opened door suddenly candle in the holl brewed up.We were shocked.Interior building wasn't destory but was neglect and dustry.I saw a lot of cobweb.On walles hunged many portraits.Upward leaded a antique stairs.We were excited our discovery.Next we saw a yellow light on curtains corridor.We went there (aby zobaczyć z kad dochodzi światło).(na końcu) corridor was a big ferrum door.Curious we opened the door.We can't believed.This room was brimful gold,Jewellery,treasure and money.We Were so excited.Everything shine.My friend (nie mogła się powstrzymać) she picked up golden ring.Suddenly the floor wobble.We don't knew what happened.On one moment all opulence vanished into thin air and from wall come of three terrible mummy.We got scream cry and call out abouy help.When the mummy came up by my and my friend we ran away nyt the mummy take after by (nas).One mummy picked up me.J loudly shouted.Mummy kidnaped me from cold and oily dungeon (okazało sie jednak ze to był tylko zły sen)