crime story ;] - tylko sprawdzenie-pilne!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
This crime story was happened about one year ago. I flew to New York on my summer holidays and I stayed in 3* hotel there.

I was tired so I didn't unpack my luggage and I didn't return valuable things to the safe.
At first night I couldn't sleep, I had nightmares and I heard someone's steps behind the door. I thought these were housemaids or hotel guests.
At 2 a.m. I went for the walk in the hotel. I was going down the corridor when suddenly the light switch off and I heard the terrible scream.
I ran downstairs. The light turned on and the noise became quieter but nobody was nearly. I returned to my room.

I saw the light inside, my clothes were scattered on the floor, my grandmother's casket was situated on the night table. It was open and empty!

Confused I went to the reception where I saw scared personnel.
Housemaids and hotel boys heard screams too and they were sure it was Ruby's voice.
-She's a new, young housemaid- they said.

The receptionist rang for the police and she called detective Charles Burckley. Chief inspector arrived as first and after he knew what happened ..(zadał mi mnóstwo pytań-jak to będzie brzmieć po ang?)..:
how much was my jewellery worth, where I was when I heard the noise, did I know Ruby, did I see the burglar ...?

The police browsed/rifled (?) the whole hotel. They found my jewellery at personnel's room. Detective Burckley investigated all housemaids.

(Minaęły 2 tygodnie-jak to będzie po ang?) but the police didn't find burglar and Ruby.

Why didn't the thief take jewellery? What happened with Ruby? Chief inspector is taking this matter up still (nadal zajmuje się tą sprawą)
and I still believe Ruby is fine.




Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie