bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Właśnie wróciłaś z wakacji z Hiszpanii, które były nieudane. Napisz list z zażaleniem do biura podróży z wyjaśnieniem na czym polegały problemy.
- określ jaki to był wyjazd (kiedy, dokąd, jakie biuro podróży)
- wyjaśnij jakie problemy napotkałaś ( min 2)
- co zrobiłaś w tj sprawie będąc na miejscu
- czego wymagasz od biura podróży

Dear Mr Brown

I am writing to complain about the my holidays of 13-30 August, which I and my family spent at your hotel. I ordered holidays to Mexico in your office of trip (?) “Martix”.

You advertisement stated that in the room would have air-conditioning, because in this mounth will be hot but it was spoilt. My room would be four-person room, but I got two - persons room. My children had to sleep in mattresses, because manager did not want to alter room.

When I was in Mexico I tried to contact to your office of trip, but a woman did not want to connect me with you.

I would want to stay the turn of costs in hotel and the compensation for difficulty in track of stay in Mexico ( ale pomieszałam - chciałabym zwrot kosztów za pobyt w hotelu i rekompensatę za utrudnienia w trakcie pobytu w Meksyku)

Yours sincerely


naprawdę nardzo prosze o sprawdzenie...
muszę niestety oddać to jutro, a nie wiem czy mam dobrze napisane.

p.s. piszę to, bo wiele razy zauważyła, że mowicie, że większość prac pisana jest przy użyciu translatora - z góry zaznaczam, ze pisałam sama!
Dear Mr Brown

I am writing to express my complains concerning the holiday which my family and I spent in your hotel between 13 and 31 August (2009?). I arranged the holiday in Mexico through your travel agency 'Matrix'.

Your advertisement stated that our hotel room would have an air-conditioning which could provide us with acceptable room temperature during such a hot period. Unfortunately the device was damaged so we had to suffer from excessive heat. The room which was arranged for my family was supposed to be four-people room but we got a room only for two people so my children had to sleep on matresses. When we turn to the manager if he could change the room, he rejected our claims .

When I was in Mexico I was trying to contact with your travel agency but the operator didn't want to connect the call.

Due to our problematic holiday and inconveniences during our stay in the hotel I would like to obtain some compensation and money back from you agency (otherwise I am going to take you to the court).

Yours sincerely


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