kilka zdań do sprawdzenia...BŁAGAM!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Beauty is something, what can be seen outside. Mind and intellect are hidden. That is the reason hy the most of people expose first factor and make themselves more attractive. Issues of aesthetics are odcpourse permissible and intelligible. But some kind of statement is for me incomprehensible. I think that people, whose visibly more modify than change their looks, in reality don't accept themselves and try to lift their sense of values. It is sad as more that in this day and age, judge by looks isn't so important. Vital is the mind and his evolution. Golden mean, I think, is to join other factors-intellect and inflated apperance.
?? Proszę...
ehh...chyba za późno sie za to wzielam
chetnie pomoge ale nie wiem za bardzo o co chodzi...
A co sie stalo z uzywaniem 'the'?

Beauty is something, 'what' THAT can be seen 'outside' (moze lepiej externally).
That is the reason Why 'the' (niepotr) most of THE people expose THE first factor and make themselves more attractive. Issues of aesthetics are
'odcpourse' (ortog) permissible and intelligible. 'But some kind of statement' (cos to dziwnie wyglada) is for me incomprehensible. I think that people, 'whose' WHO visibly 'more' (niepot) modify 'than' (niepotr) OR change their looks, in reality 'don't' CANNOT accept themselves and try to lift their sense of values.
...It is sad as more that in this day and age, judge by looks isn't so important.... (cos nie rozumiem tego)
Vital is the mind and 'his' ITS evolution. 'Golden mean' (tego nie rozumiem), I think, is to join other factors-intellect and 'inflated' (chyba zle slowo) appearance.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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