List nt. imprezy urodzinowej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do napisania list nt. mojej imprzy urodzinowej. Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić i poprawic błedy:) Z góry baaardzo dziekuję:D
Nie jestem dobry z angola wiec się nie przeraźcie. Mam napisać gdzie organjizuję impreze i kogo zaprosiłem. Co jedliśmy i piliśmy. Jak spędziliśmy czas i jakie dostałem prezenty. Przekazać pozdrowienia dla rodziców.

Hi Tomy

How you are? It was a nice suprise to hear from you again after so many months.
Do you know, that I had on 7 October my birthday? In this day I organizated small party for my close friends. Do you remeber Matt? He arrive special for my on Los Angeles. My party was a Chicago Club, where worked my mother. I invited my class and friens. In the party was big cake, ice- creams, fruits and chips. We drank bear, champan and another ice drinks. Party started at 8 p.m. and finished at 6 a.m. All time played great music, and my favourite band. At midnight was (fajerwerki). It was fantastic. My parents take me new computer. All class bought for my beautiful dog! All was funny.
Anyway, I have to finish now. Give my regards to you parents.

All the best.

'How you are' (a dlsaczego to prosto slowo w slowo tlumaczysz z polskiego? tutaj HOW ARE YOU?
Do you know, that ON THE 7TH OF OCTOBER I had 'on 7 October' (niepotr) my birthday? 'In' ON this day I 'organizated' (ortog) A small party for my close friends. Do you 'remeber' (ortog) Matt? He 'arrive' (tutaj czas przeszly) 'special' SPECIALLY for my (ale co?) 'on' FROM Los Angeles. My party was 'a' (co to 'a' tutaj robi?) IN THE Chicago Club, where 'worked my mother' (chyba dalej tam pracuje ...wtedy MY MOTHER WORKS.).
I invited my class (ale kogo?) and 'friens' (ortog). 'In' AT the party THERE was A big cake, ice-creams, fruit and chips. We drank 'bear' (bear to jest niedzwiedz - tutaj BEER), 'champan' (sprawdz jak to slowo sie pisze po ang) and 'another' OTHER ice drinks. THE party started at 8 p.m. and finished at 6 a.m.
All THE time 'played great music' (tutaj inaczej...great music was played, 'and' (czy masz na myslis BY?) my favourite band. At midnight 'was' (nie, nie tak, lepiej mielismy WE HAD) fajerwerki- fireworks.
My parents 'take' (zabrali?) me A new computer - chyba tego nie masz na mysli - jak kupili to ...bought). All THE class bought 'for' (niepotr) mE A beautiful dog! IT WAS all 'was' (niepotr) VERY 'funny' (chyba nie to slowo - ).
Give my regards to 'you' YOUR parents.


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