Prosze o szybkie sprawdzenie !!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
NApisz czasowniki podane w nawiasach w czasie Present Simple, Present PErfect lub PAst Simple.

1. She can't help you now, she 'had' other thing to do (have)
2.He 'has done' (do) some sightseeing in Chile for two weeks , then he flew to Peru.
3.For the last fifteen years my parents 'lived' (live) in Sydney.
4 I am very thirsaty. I 'haven't drunk' ( not drink)anything all day
5. My teacher 'didn't understand'( not understand)why we are so often late for school.
6.My mother is really happy because she 'passed' her driving test
7 Emily Dickinson 'has written ' 9write) many well-known poems.

Neich ktos to sprawdzi dziękuje ;)
hoppp . Potrzebuje zeby było to sprawdzone do 17 moge kogos prosić o to ??
2. had done
5. doesn't understand


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia