praca dotycząca marketingu - sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Marketing mix - 4P - explores a position of a product on the market. That divistion was created by an economist called McCartney in 1960 and is timely also today (podtrzymywany do dzisiaj)
4P is a price, a produce or a place and a promotion. Promotion requires [posiadanie] some basic information regarding a product, a mark and establishment (przedsiebiorstwo? czy lepiej a company?) to could be effective.
Promotion includes publicity that is payable form of promotion directed to a mass receiver. Public relations - actions connected with keeping good relations between a company and surroundings, charity help, personal sale, thank of that an establishment has a direct contact with customers and a promotion of sale or different measures and actions which persuade clients to buy products.

A place: location of ready products on the market and an offer them to sale. It deals mutual dependences of organisation that will make a product accessible for customers.

A price: from consument's point of view it is an expense that they have to pay to gain some produces and from point of view of view of a company it is a payment for incurred expenses for their production (poniesione nakłady na ich wytworzenie)
An effective price is the highest price that customers are able to pay for a specific product. Usually a price is high because it has to cover costs of production and publicity it. A price is reducted only in case (w przypadku) promotion or willingness to sell bigger quantity of goods.

A product: a producer before the beginning of production has to wonder who his customer will be, how wide assortment will be of a specific produce, how they will reach to consuments and why customers will choose his products.

Not everybody accepts the marketing mix. They think that it is geared too strong for the produce market (nastawiony zbyt silnie na rynek produktu) and forgets about services. That's why the marketing mix was created not for service where apart from existing already elements it was added (? dołączono-nie wiem jak to zrobić, powinna być l. mnoga?): people, process and physical evidence.

Zdaje sobie sprawe ze zbyt czesto uzylam slowa promotion ale nie wiem jak je zastapic..
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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