Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie BŁAGAM!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam wszystkich serdecznie, jestem tu nowa i prosiłabym Was o pomoc. Mianowicie muszę wysłać list motywacyjny do firmy w Rosji, żeby wyjechać tam na praktykę do firmy typu head hunters, chcą w przyszłości rekrutować do pracy ludzi z Polski i osoba wybrana miałby im w tym pomóc. Napisalam sobie list, ale nie wiem czy nie ma w nim błedów i jak inni go postrzegaja.
Pomóżcie biednemu żuczkowi, proszę o nawet baaardzo krytyczne uwagi i ewentualne poprawki :)
«Agentstvo Kontakt»
13/36 Arbat st.,
Moscow, 119019

Dear Madam or Sir,

I would like to take part in a foreign professional practice for a period of 12-13 weeks organized by your Company - Agentstvo Kontakt .
I belive that I am a right person for that job. I am a graduate student of International Relations at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and also Self-Governmental Administration and Public Finances at the State Higher School of Vocational Education in Elbląg. Now I am doing my master degree at the University of Gdańsk. I am specialized in international marketing. I know university enviroment in Poland very well. I worked in Non Govermental Organisation in Poland, and I have many contats with other NGOs. HR projects lie in the sphere of my strong interest. During my studies I had many subjects based Human Resources field, I was involved in many HR projects e.g. preparing recruitment tests for temporary employment agencies.
I have always wanted that my job is about polish and russian cooperation. I would like to have experience in Russian environment and also to improve my Russian.
At the universities, and even in my high school years i took part in many activities, like summer universities, i was organizer of conferences. I am able to work alone or as a part of a team, and i like working with people. I am not afraid of confronting problems and have skills of solving them - thanks to my academic competence as well as my high level interpersonal skills. I am a responsible and at the same time spontaneous person and have been recognized as one who embraces creativity and new ideas.
I would like to work in Agnestovo Kontakt because this is an excellent opportunity to improve my professional skills and to gain a lot of experiences. I think, it would be a perfect start of my career, and i could build up good relationships in my profession, and personal life also.
I hope that the above experiences, knowledge, and skills make me convenient for filling a vacancy at your company.

Yours faithfully,
