Speech prosiłbym o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam do stworzenia speech o swoim przyajcelu. Napisąłem coś takiego:

I have close friend. His name is Artur. He is 16, and we are frome the same village. We got known each other when we were childs, becouse we are neighbuors, so we known since over 14 years. We met carefully in school, becouse we sit in the same desk. It`s peculiar that we got on well, becouse we don`t have a lot in common. We are opposites, so we argue very often. We argue about all: about nonsense and about serious matter (for example: about girls, sport, our tastes) but usually we make up very fast. We see each other every day, we study in different schools, so we meet evening. When we don`t may meet, we don`t call and write each other, becouse we don`t tolerate this way communication. We didn`t lost touch. I think that we will stay friends, becouse we need us each other.
I judge that our friend-ship will last, becouse we are friends for good and bad.

Z góry dziękuję :)
Podbijam :) Przepraszam, za to zachowanie, ale potrzebuję tego sprawdzenia :/
Może jednak ktoś rzuciłby na to okiem?
Jest to dla mnie bardzo ważne:)


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