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Solutions to homelessness

Every human being need home to live. When there is a big number of homeless people in society, there is a is a very complex issue to which there are no simple solutions.
One of the most proximate cause of homelessness in Poland is poverty. There is a lots of families with big number of children. It is very difficult to provide family with 4 or even more children. In the most dramatic situations, when parents haven’t got opportunities to hold family, they lose their homes and children are sent to orphanage. Another reason of homelessness is alcoholism. Alcoholics don’t see other sense of life then alcohol and they spend all money for drinking. By the time they can`t stop drinking without help by themselves and as the consequence of that they lose job and they haven’t got money for everyday needs. Another reason of homelessness is low education level. Individual person without any education has small chances to get good pay job, and they haven’t got money to buy home or even rent a room. Statistic shows that 50% of homeless people receive less than $300 per month as income.
One solution is to create local institutions for which the main aim would be organize help for pure families. Without help from outside pure families have very small chances to make their live better. This institutions and local governments should give opportunity should for example organize free diners for children in schools, and support education for children from pure families. Another possibility is organize campaign against alcohol abuse In every local societies. Alcohol can destroy even the best families. In many situations alcoholics become homeless because of drinking. They can`t win the fight against their addiction without help, so if society want fight against homelessness, then local governments must fight against alcoholism as well. Only sober man can realize how senseless is living on the street, after that fight against homelessness can be successful.
Another solution for homelessness is giving possibility for homeless people or for those who can lose homes to get some useful skills. Then they can get good work easier and earn money.
Homelessness is a big problem especially in big cities, but there are very few programs set up to help them. We all need to work together to help those less fortunate because you would want someone to help you if you where in that position, so we should do our best to help them.

uagi mile widziane :) i z gory thx :>
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