Proszę o sprawdzenie pracki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Siemka wszystkim. Opisałem obrazki, któe dostałem na lekcji i chciałbym, by ktoś sprawdził mi czy wszystko ok.

One day Sarah and Malcolm wanted to go on holidays, they overslept because the alarm didnt go off. When they arrived to the airport, it turned out that they were in time. The flight has been delayed. Airport worker informed them that two seats were left in the earlier flight. Sarah and Malcolm sat near the Adams family, who were screamed and making terrible noise. When the fly was ended, the Adams family went to the different resort than sarah and malcolm. Sarah and Malcolm went to the hotel which they earlier reserved. When they go on the bus, it turned out that the bus got coach puncture(złapał gumsze), and therefore Sarah and Malcolm were taken a taxi. They came to the hotel, and it was a awful resort. They pleased the tourism agent to show them a different resort. There was a available room in a other hotel. Sarah and Malcolm were driven to the hotel but it turned out that the Adams family were choosen the same hotel... It were a terrible holidays ... ;]

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc, pozdrawiam ;-)
One day (tutaj cos brakuje...po polsku mowimy, jednego dnia, kiedy...)Sarah and Malcolm wanted to go on holidays, they overslept because the alarm didn't go off. When they arrived 'to' AT (you arrive AT...) the airport, it
turned out that they were 'in' (mozna tez 'on') time. The flight 'has been' WAS delayed. AN airport worker informed them that two seats were left 'in' ON the earlier flight. Sarah and Malcolm sat near the Adams family, who 'were screamed' (nie were screaMING) and making 'A' terrible noise. When the 'fly' (nie - lot to FLIGHT) 'was' HAD ended, the Adams family went to 'the' A different resort than Sarah and Malcolm. Sarah and Malcolm went to the hotel which they HAD 'earlier reserved' (zla kol slow ...reserved earlier). When they 'go' GOT on the bus, it turned out that the bus HAD got A 'coach' (niepotr) puncture, and therefore Sarah and Malcolm were taken BY a taxi.
They 'pleased' (calkowicie zle slowo- prosze inne) the 'tourism' TOURIST agent to show them a different resort. There was a 'available room' (zla kol slow available) in aNother hotel. Sarah and Malcolm were driven to the hotel but it turned out that the Adams family 'were choosen' HAD CHOSEN the same hotel...
'It were' (nie mozemy uzywac 'it' tutaj THEY were 'a' (bez 'a') terrible holidays' (nie, lepiej IT turned out to be a 'holiday from hell')
One day Sarah and Malcolm wanted to go on holiday. They overslept because the alarm clock didnt go off. They managed to arrive AT the airport on time. The flight WAS (! opisując konkretne zdarzenie z przeszłości nie używasz present perfect, ani p.p. cont.) delayed. An airport stuff member informed them that there were two seats available on the earlier flight. Sarah and Malcolm sat near the Adams family, who were screamING and making terrible noise. When they landed, the Adams family went to a different hotel than Sarah and Malcolm. Sarah and Malcolm went to the hotel they had reserved before. (jakieś wydarzenie z przeszłości nastąpiło wcześniej niż inne, też przeszłe - czas zaprzeszły past perfect)
They got on a bus but it got a puncture so they had to get off it and take a taxi (dużo tych gotów, ale tak mi wyszło na szybko. może ktoś ma inny pomysł). Albo jeszcze tak: They had reserved a hotel before. While they were going to the hotel, the bus they were on got a puncture. They had to get off and take a taxi (ta druga opcja chyba lepsza).
They arrived at the hotel, and it proved to be an awful place. They asked their travel agent to show them another accomodation option. (The agent told them that) there was a room available in some other hotel. Sarah and Malcolm went there but it turned out that the Adams family had chosen it too... It was a terrible holiday ...

nie wszystkie poprawki wytykam wielkimi literami czy w nawiasie - przeczytaj i porównaj ze swoją wersję. Może ktoś jeszcze coś zaproponuje, np z tym stuff member - worker mi tu nie pasuje. pzdr
teraz widze, ze 'a staff member' jest lepie, bo zwykly 'airport worker' nie jest w stanie powiedziec, ze sa miejsca.
staff, indeed:) my mistake.


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