'Does money help YOU being happy in life?' I think that lot of people ask
this 'questions' (ale 'questions' to l. mnoga, a 'this' odnosi sie do l. poj) for years. If you want to know the 'answear' (ortog), FIRST you need to find 'out' (niepotr) what happiness is.
I can agree with THE statement that money 'don't' (nie - DOES NOT 'helf' (ortof) in happiness because 'as you know' (nie, prosze nie wlanczac mnie w ta odpowiedz - ja wiem inaczej) money 'can't' CANNOT buy everything.
'Some feelings for example youth' (cos tu nie tak, lepiej polacz z poprzednim zdaniem),(zmien to na ...for example feelings, youth,) knowledge or talent are priceless.
You 'can't also' (zla kol slow-also cannot) buy YOUR health.
But you might see that money can buy expensive 'remedys' (zle - to nie jest l. mn od 'remedy'). In such situationS it's hard to disagree 'in helping money with happiness' (nie rozumiem tego, dlaczego nie piszesz to, co masz na mysli? masz na mysli...that money cannot buy you happiness). You shouldn't forget that there 'aren't' (prosze nie pisac tego dziwactwa- to jest slang- ARE NOT) any 'remedys' (to nie jest l. mn of 'remedy') for death, loneliness
or the passage of time. 'Theese' (ortog) are things which no one can avoid.
(NO!! wg mnie Loneliness can be avoided)
I think that money can help you in education 'which with' (zla kol slow - WITH WHICH) you may get a good job.
'Of course you can't buy education' (TO jest nieprawda - you CAN buy education, but you cannot buy intelligence!). You must put into IT a lot of studYING and determination, 'but' AND nowdays 'studing' (ortog) 'isn't' (nie wiem dlaczego myslisz ze to ladnie wyglada jak uzywasz skruty-prosze pisac w calosci-IS NOT) cheap.
If you have money you can 'accopmlish' (ortog) your objectives 'and that's' (nie- WHICH MAY BE) connected to YOUR happiness. You can also live 'in' A high standard of living, travel around the world, get a lot of rest.
You 'can't' CANNOT unequivocally say if money helps YOU being happy, but personaly I think that without it you 'wouldn't' be able to realize your targets.(Jakich targets? NP?)
Some people 'can call' FEEL THAT love and family 'as' ARE WHAT THEY CONSIDER happiness. 'Theese' (dlaczego piszesz 'theese' a nie 'these'?) things couldn't be 'buy' (ej? - popraw - BOUGHT for money.