tekst luk matura rozszerzona _pomocy!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Crime is a subject on which people have strong opinions. (Some) believe society creates criminals, others think the prison system ____ (not) at fault. Others still say ______ is individual who are to blame. ______ (All) thruth is that we don't really know what ___ people turn to crim, but it seems likely that is it a combination of the above factors. There is however one thing we can be sure of: when crime falls-something which admittedly doesn't happen very often- every politican around will claim credit ____ (in) it.

President Clinton, was the first to do. He claimed his goverment was responsible for falling crime rates in the US, ____ have been dropping for 5 years _____ (in) a row. "We are making a difference" he declared. "Our neightbourhoods are safer, and we are restoring the American people's confidence the crime _____ (would) be reduced

At first sight, one might be tempted to believe him, practicularly if one looks at the situation in New York. Here,many neighbourhoods which ____ to be crime-ridden are certainly safer.

to co w () to moje propozycje i podejrzewam pewnie ze sa źle prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie w ramach mozliwosci byłabym bardzo wdzieczna


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