krótkie wypracowanie - holiday.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Unfortunately, I haven’t got any holiday plans yet and I’m afraid that I’ll stay at home 2 months. But if I have a chance to choose I’d like to go abroad. I want to go to southern Europe for example to France or Spain. In my opinion vacation in another European country other than Poland gives us more. Firstly I ought to say that if we go abroad we can learn English. Moreover, we can broaden our knowledge and meet new culture. I think that holidays in France, Spain, or Austria are more interesting than causal holidays in Poland. I don’t believe that, for the first time at least we should visit a foreign country in organised group and not on our own. In my opinion, however, we can only learn what travelling is all about, have an adventure and feel like a discoverer, if we plan our trip on our own. Of course holiday in Poland can be fantastic too, but in my opinion it's more simple. Now I live in hope that one day I’ll be in Paris or Vienna but we’ll se how my holiday will be.
Unfortunately, I haven't got any holiday plans AS yet and I'm afraid
that I'll HAVE TO stay at home FOR THE 2 months.
Firstly I ought to say that if we go abroad we can 'learn' (learn czy practice?) English. Moreover, we can broaden our knowledge and meet new cultureS.
I 'don't' (przeczytaj to zdanie jeszcze raz i ustal slowo ktore tu powinno byc uzyt) believe that, for the first time at least, we should visit a foreign
country in AN organised group and not on our own.
Of course holiday in Poland can be fantastic too, but in my opinion it's more
simple (dlatego, ze.....).


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia