He has got small son. I took care him.
...a small son. I took care OF him.
>they CAME back to their life
Może lepiej When they went back home...
>>I was saleswoman in ELECTRONIC SHOP in X.
... a saleswoman in an....
I allocated (zamiast tego proponuję SPENT) my
>first salary in 5-DAY trip to Pieniny with my boyfriend.
....on a five-day trip...
We stayed in
>my father-in-law in THE MODERN hotel.
We stayed at my father-in-law's modern hotel.
>with heart full of joy.
...a heart
becAuse gdzieś tam jest napisane z "o"
>and after week
after a week..
nie wiem tylko co quick-witted my wspolnego z ich umiejętnością zrozumienia was