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Tina Squires was a famous pop star. She was shot on the terrace of her apartament.
The murderer used a hundgun with a silencer.
Next Detectiv Marlowe started investigation.
In this investigation was a five suspects.
Bobbie Davies is a pop idol. He was angry with Tina because she kept calling him.
That night he had an argument with Tina.
Nicola Goodfelow is a actress. She was a Bobbie girl and she was jealous of Tina.
Delia Adams is Tina personal assistant. She was angry with Tina because she was broken a promise to her.
Billy Squires is Tina brother.
He liked to play in casino and he always need money.
Christine cross is Tina manager. She stolen a lot of money from Tina.
Investigation discovered that one people lie.
Delia Adams heard that someone shouting but the murderer used silencer.
Tina Squires was a famous pop star. (One day) She was shot on the terrace of her
The murderer HAD used a hundgun with a silencer.
'Next' (nie za bardzo to slowo...moze lepiej...Following the murder,) DetectivE Marlowe started AN investigation.
In this investigation 'was' (was-ale to odnosi sie do 5 suspectS, tak ze musi byc 'a' (niepotr) five suspects.
He was angry with Tina because she kept calling him.(ale calling him what? - czy calling him on the phone all hours of the night?)
She was a 'Bobbie girl' (musisz wytlumaczyc co to jest) and she was
jealous of Tina.
Delia Adams is Tina'S personal assistant. She was angry with Tina
because she 'was' HAD broken a promise to her.
Billy Squires is Tina'S brother.
He liked to play in THE casino and he always needED (czas przeszly) money.
Christine Cross is Tina'S Manager. She HAD stolen a lot of money from Tina.
THE iInvestigation discovered that one 'people lie' (people to l.mnoga, a tutaj chodzi o 1- PERSON LIED)
Delia Adams heard 'that' (Niepotr) someone shouting but the murderer HAD used
A silenceR
>>>The murderer used a hANDgun with a silencer
Next – może THEN
...angry AT Tina (angry with – czynnością, zachowaniem itp. Ten błąd się dalej powtarza)
...THERE WERE five suspects
...liked PLAYING
Przepraszam grand i terri. Ale zabombiłem! Dotarło to do mnie dopiero jak odszedłem od komputera, a wróciłem właśnie teraz.
Z ANGRY JEST OCZYWIŚCIE ODWROTNIE. Nie wiem co mnie podleciało, ale teraz to odszczekuję
Nawet nie pomyslalam, ze 'Bobbie's girl' to Bobbie caly czas przypominala mi sie piosenka...I want to be Bobbie's girl, I want to be Bobbie's girl...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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