sprawdzenie opisu :]

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jakby ktos mogl rzucic okiem i poprawic d=bledy byłabym wdzieczna.

pisze o osobie nie zyjacej, literówek nie trzeba poprawiac bo to i tak bede mówić :) chodiz mi o gramatyk
he was tall and slim. he had curly blond hair brown eyes, He had a few tatoo which he projected ownself. Before he became an actor he earned by celan car. His Carrer started when he was 16 in film Blockrock. His first hollywood role was 10 Things I Hate About You (chodzi mi jego pierwsza hoolywoodzka rola...)
where he materialized in Partick, boy who is bad and seduced girl for satisfaction(chlopak ktory uwodzi laski dla satysfakcji). Late he had one yeaR brake and suddenly appered a proposition to play with mel gibson in The Patriot. One most loud film (jednym z głosniejszych filmów) which he played was Brokeback Mountain where he palyed a homoseksual. For this film he get Oscar and Gold Globe. In 2001 in magazine People proclaimed (okrzyknal go)him one of fifty beautiful people also in 2007 in magazine Empire he was engaged (zajął 79.._)79 place in 100 most sexy movie star. He had one doughter Matilde she's 3. His best friend was Crowe. His favouriste dish was rosotto.
His last film was The Dark knight as a Joker. A madman who killed people make him a satiffaction. (zabijanie ludzi sprawia mu przyjemnosc)
Heath death in 22. 01.2008 probably because he overdosed (srodki nasenne)


CAE - sesja letnia 2007