tryby warunkowe - proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej mam prośbę, muszę odpowiedzieć co zrobiłabym w danej sytuacji używając trybów warunkowych...Proszę o sprawdzenie czy dokonałam właściwego wyboru...

1.A colleague who is less capable than you is promoted above you are bored with your job
3.a competitor offers you money for confidential information about your work
4.your colleague tells a lie about you see a colleague steal some office equipment oversleep and cannot get to work on time
7.your boss ask you on a date
8.someone complains to your boss about your work have more work than you can deal with decide your salary is too law
1.if my colleague who is less capable than me was promoted above me I would go to my boss
2.if I’m bored with my job I will find something new
3.if competitor offered me money for confidential information about my work I would never turn down this offer
4.if my colleague tell a lie about me I would ask him why he do this
5.if I saw a colleague steal some office equipment I would talk with him and ask why he do this
6.if I oversleep and cannot get to work in time I will call to work and tell them I’m sick
7.if my boss asks me on a date I will don’t go with him
8.if someone complains to my boss about my work I will tell this person should worry about its work
9.if I had more work than I can deal with I would go to boss and tell him I need assistant
10.if I decided my salary is too low I would talk with my boss about my pay rise
>1.If my colleague who is less capable than me was promoted above me, I
>would go to my boss {to complain}.
>2.If I {were} bored with my job, I {would} find something new {to do}.
>3.If {a} competitor offered me money for confidential information about my
>work, I would never turn down this offer.
>4.If my colleague {told} a lie about me, I would ask him why he {did} this.
>5.If I saw a colleague steal some office equipment, I would talk with
>him and ask why he {did} this.
>6.If I {overslept} and {couldn't} get to work {on} time, I {would} call {my} work
>and tell them I {was} sick.
>7.If my boss {asked} me on a date, I {wouldn't} go {out} with him.
>8.If someone {complained} to my boss about my work, I {would} tell this
>person {that they} should worry about {their own} work.
>9.If I had more work than I {could} deal with, I would go to {my} boss and tell
>him I {needed an} assistant.
>10.If {} my salary {were} too low, I would talk with my boss about
>{a} pay rise.
czy mozesz popatrzyc na to zdanie
1.If my colleague who is less capable than 'me' (czy tutaj 'I' czy 'me')
>czy mozesz popatrzyc na to zdanie
>1.If my colleague who is less capable than 'me' (czy tutaj 'I' czy

dobrze, ze te zdanie wzielas pod lupe :)

If my colleague who {was} less capable than me (colloquial use)...
If my colleague who {was} less capable than I (formal use)... moze byc rowniez pelna wersja z ...than I was...

komentarz do autora postu: wszystkie powyzsze zdania mozna przedstawic rowniez uzywajac trybu warunkowego 1 - przy uzyciu czasow simple + will/won't; roznica polega na tym, iz takie zdania wydaja sie bardziej prawdopodobne dla autora tych zdan


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