za sprawdzenie, naniesienie poprawek, które nie zmienią zbytnio sensu wypowiedzi [o ile taki wogóle jest ^^] i byc może za pożyteczne porady co źle robię, czego powinnam unikac i takie tam...
a i pytanko: co sądzicie o poziomie tej pracy ? źle dobieram vocabulary? jeśli tak, poradzcie jak nauczyc sie dobrego doboru lub w jaka książka może mi pomóc w rozbudowaniu słownictwa.?
Discuss ways to improve the learning of foreign language
Learning is an issue we deal with through all our life, so it is not discussed, it is needed to improve our ways of acquiring new knowledge.
One way to develop our erudition is watching movies in the language we are trying to learn. As a result we familiarize ourselves with native language and with time our understanding increasing.
Another way could be participation in students exchange programmes, consequently, we get to know a lot of new people with whom we could share our experience.
Good idea would be try to read books or newspapers in language we are interested in. Needless to say it let us to tame with natural, unaffected language, used by natives.
All in all, there is extremely many methods, which extend ours ways of learning, but most important is to find more suitable for yourself and make the most of it.