może ktoś sprawdzić ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
My head is overcrowded of million sick thinks.

I wish to feel no pain

This life is just a imperfect mirror image of reality.

No think on this world isn't so painful like life without love.

could someone stop this pain, a litter pain in my heart ?

I'm just I, and nobody elss.
Nie polecałabym spisywania swoich przeżyć egzystencjalnych w języku, który zna się niewystarczająco dobrze. Bo to chyba nie jest praca domowa?

Miejsca oznaczone [nawiasem] należy poprawić - nie podpowiadam jak.

My head is overcrowded [of] million sick [thinks].
This life is just [a] imperfect [mirror image] of reality.
[No think on this world isn't so painful like] life without love.
Could someone stop this pain, a [litter] pain in my heart ?
I'm just , and nobody [elss].

Errata: a może nawet nie tyle nie polecałabym spisywania (bo do szuflady zawsze można), co nie polecałabym publikowania. Bo jakkolwiek różne przemyślenia mogą mieć dla kogoś wielką wartość, to literówki i błędy gramatyczne znacznie wpływają na "odbiór".
nie miałam zamiru tego nigdzie publikować tak tylko przyszło mi do głowy i poprostu sobie napisałam.
Przepraszam, za podejrzliwość w tej kwestii, ale różne rzeczy już widziałam. :)
Życzę miłego poprawiania
My head is overcrowded over million sick things.

>This life is just an imperfect reflection of reality.

>Could someone stop this pain, a little pain in my heart ?

I'm just me , and nobody more.
[No thing on this world isn't so painful like] life without love.

nothing in the world so painful as
teraz lepiej ?
>nothing in the world (tu brakuje slow) 'so' (zle slowo) painful as...
Nothing in the world IS AS painful as life without love.
My head is overcrowded [over] million sick things. --> niestety nie o to chodziło. Overcrowded powinno mieć o ile mi wiadomo tę samą “preposition” co “crowded”. Szukaj dalej.

This life is just an imperfect reflection of reality. --> Yes. Correct. :)

I'm just me , and nobody {more}. --> nie trzeba było zmieniać tego słowa, ale poprawić tam literówkę. Tak też jednak może być, choć sens jest inny.
>My head is overcrowded of million sick thinks.

My head id overcrowded with millions of sick thoughts would perhaps be more orthodox, but I like your "thinks" better. Honest.
Unless you mean"thing."

>I wish to feel no pain
Who doesn't?

>This life is just a imperfect mirror image of reality.
This life is just an imperfect mirror image of reality.

>No think on this world isn't so painful like life without love.
Nothing in this world is so painful as life without love.

>could someone stop this pain, a litter pain in my heart ?
Every little pain is a litter in the heart, isn't it? Even though it's a little pain.

>I'm just I, and nobody elss.
Yes, and nobody else is you.
Will the two bitches stop bitching, please?
>>>Will the two bitches stop bitching, please
Prosze nie uzywac obrazajacych slow na forum.
Janski >> nie musiałeś tego poprawiać tym bardziej mnie obrażać.
PS i zauwazylam zdanie, ktore ja juz poprawilam.
>No think on this world isn't so painful like life without love.
..Nothing in this world is so painful as life without love.
please refrain from making unwarrated sarcastic remarks. That is, as you know, or will be made aware of is 'my job'.
And also, if you are correcting someone, then please do it correctly.

>could someone stop this pain, a litter pain in my heart ?
Every little pain is a litter in the heart, isn't it? Even though it's a little pain.
should be...a little pain in my heart..

>I'm just I, and nobody elss.
Yes, and nobody else is you.
should be....I'm just me and nobody else.
>Janski >> nie musiałeś tego poprawiać tym bardziej mnie

>please refrain from making unwarrated sarcastic remarks. That is, as you know, or >will be made aware of is 'my job'.

>Please (uppercase) refrain from making unwarranted (spelling) sarcastic >(Sarcastic? You don't know what "sarcastic" means) remarks. That is, as you know >or will be made aware of, (punctuation) is "my job."

Sarcasm isn't your forte. You must be chronically unemployed.

>And also, if you are correcting someone, then please do it correctly.

>could someone stop this pain, a litter pain in my heart ?
>Every little pain is a litter in the heart, isn't it? Even though it's a little >pain.
>should be...a little pain in my heart..


>I'm just I, and nobody elss.
>Yes, and nobody else is you.
>should be....I'm just me and nobody else.

Other than the innocent typo, no.

The bottom line is that "bitch" is the understatement of the month.
"Dumb-ass and cocksure nag" comes to mind.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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