>I [am] having a terrible time here. I'm visiting [-a] museums, galler[ies] and
>cast[le]s. It's very boring! The weather is awful. It rains
>everyday. I hate this weather!
>Yesterday afternoon when I went for a walk someone stole my phone. I
>called [the] police but they [didn't / couldn't] help me.
>I'm going to visit my uncle next week. I hope he'll be happy to see
>me. We'll spend [moze: + the whole day] on shopping [-in shops > bo jak shopping to wiadomo, ze nie w kosciele, tylko w sklepach ;)] in Dublin.
>One day in Ireland was great. I visit[ed] the [-a] beer factory in Dublin.
>It's very interesting and lot of fun[! bez ny]. But I [couldn't] taste beer
>because my mum said "You know I forbi[d] you [+to] drink alcohol. You are too
>I hope you have a good time [at] home.
>I'll be back home next Saturday.
staralam sie wniesc poprawki w miare czytelnie, stad przy wiekszosci bledow uzylam nawiasow kwadratowych (a czasami po prostu zmienilam to co trzeba).
prosty jezyk i styl, ale udalo Ci sie ladnie wyrazic to co chcialas. poprawilam wiec tylko te razace bledy gramatyczne, zeby nie naruszac formy. pozdrawiam i zycze powodzenia,