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Witam. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu opisującego "a naightmare journey"
My nightmare journey was two years ago in Summer when I and my brother decided to left to our friends in Paris.
We booked two tickets for flight in five days before our journey, so We had much time to prepare to travel. In day our flight(chodzi mi o: w dniu naszego wylotu/wyjazdu) taxi picked us up and took us fifty kilometers to Chopin Airport in Warsaw. We arrived erlier than we had planned. My brother and I took our luggages to check in. We had two hours to boarding so we went to restaurant to eat lunch and later we bought the papers in newsagentand we walked to the gate. We boarded. We took off and soon fall asleep(zasnęliśmy). We landed in Paris. Everything was allright but was the huge problem was the airline had left our luggages in Warsaw. We had to buy some clothes and a few other things and after we were waiting three hours for coach to our hotel.
We finally arrived, exhausted, dirty and much later than we had planned!