króciutki dialog w hotelu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie:

R: Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?
G: Good afternoon. My name is Peter Black. I would like to stay at the hotel for 2 weeks.
R: I'm afraid it's impossible, because the hotel is full and empty rooms have been booked already.
G: Oh my goodness, so what can I do now?!
R: Ermm, just a moment,.sir. I have just found one room which isn't booked!
G: Uff, happily! I'm so exhausted after my travel and I dream of find in the room immediately.
R:Of course, sir. Your room is on the second floor, with a balcony, bathroom TV, telephone and airconditioner. How would you like to pay?
G: Can I pay by credit card?
R: Certailny. Could you sign here, please?
G: Of course
R: Thank you very much. Please, here are your keys, the room nr 104. Wish you good stay, sir.
>G: Uff, happily! I'm so exhausted after my travel and I dream of 'find
in the room' (cos tu nie tak) immediately.
>R:Of course, sir. Your room is on the second floor, with a balcony,
>bathroom TV, telephone and air conditionING.
>R: 'Certailny' (ortog).
R: Please, here are your keys, the room nr IS 104.
>I wish you A good stay, sir.
Dziekuję! :)
Proszę też o sprawdzenie drugiej części:

G: Excuse me, I'd like to complain about the shower. Could you have a look at it, please?
R: Certainly, but what exactly is wrong with it?
G: I wanted take a shower after the travel, but to my surprise – there isn't a running water!
R:I'm so sorry, sir. I'll get someone to see to the shower immediately.
G: But please, do it quickly!
R: We'll repair it as soon as possible. What's the numer of the room?
G: 104, I'll wait with impatience!

NG: Excuse me, sir. I noticed that you are from Hotel Remer, right?
G: Yes, what's the matter?
NG: I'm new here and I would like to know something about hotel facilities. Could you tell me what do you think about it?
G: Yes, no problem. I think that the best is the sports centre. There are a gym, tennis court and many more. It;s very good indeed. Fittings is high quality! You should go there.
NG: It's excellent! Yes, I must go there soon. And how do you find children's playground?
G: Uh, to be honest – it's rather dissapointing and even dangerous! Swings and merry-go-rounds are n't in good condition... It's better to don't go there with children. They may injure!
NG: For goodness' sake! It's terrible! I'm really thankful for your advice and suggestions.
G:Cała przyjemność po mojej stronie (nie mam pojęcia, jak brzmi ten zwrot po angielsku...)
A co do tego zdania:

I dream of find in the room
to mialo brzmieć: marzę o znalezieniu się w pokoju

jeśli nie find, to może
I dream of being located in the room ?
G: I wanted take a shower after 'the' (dalabym tu MY) travel, but to my surprise - there isn't aNY running water!
G: 104, I'll wait 'with impatience' (moze lepiej ...patiently?)
NG: I'm new here and I would like to know something about (the facilities at the)hotel facilities. Could you tell me what do you think about 'it' (ale facilities to l. mn)
G: There are a gym, tennis court and many more. Fittings 'is' (ale fittingS to l. mnoga) OF high quality!
NG: 'It's' (niepotr) excellent! And how do you find THE children's playground?
Swings and merry-go-rounds 'are n't' (nie, nie tak - lepiej w calosci i wtedy bedzie ok ARE NOT) in good condition... It's better (that you) 'to' don't go there with children. They may injure (ale kogo? - THEMSELVES)!
NG: 'It's' THAT'S terrible!
G:...You're very welcome.
>>I dream of find in the room
>I dream of being located in the room?
...mozna...I dream of being in the wystarczy.
>>G:...You're very welcome.
Mozna tez...My pleasure..
Bardzo dziekuję za pomoc! :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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