Moglibyście sprawdzić i ewentualnie wskazać błędy? :) I ewentualnie pokazać, czego jeszcze nie uwzględniłam. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc :).
„My best friend is a person who I met five years ago. We were took up horses riding in the same time. Her name is Justyna. We have been keeping up contact till present time even though we study in diffrent city .
What’s she look like? She is good-looking girl. medium height - little shorter than me, and slim. Her hair is long, straight and dark. She have snub nose. She has a fair complexion (jasna karnacja). Her big, brown, expressive eyes makes her look very gentle (łagodnie) but carefree. She dress smartly.
She is full of energy and incurable optimist (niepoprawna optymistka) . Sometimes Justyna is absent-minded (roztergniona). She is so responsible that you can always count on her when you have a problem, so she is the kind of person you can always trust. We haven’t got any secrets between us. I can talk to her about everything. She is very tidy. Every time I visit her, she has got a shiny and clean room, in this we are comlpletly diffrent. She has an apsolute obsession on horse-riding. Also she likes listen to music on her favourite ipod. In free time she takes photographs, watches films, play basketball.
I hope that our friendship will continue for many, many years no mather how many tests it will be submitted. “