sprawdzi ktoś plx ważne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir /Madam,

I would like to apply for the position of DJ wich I saw in your club.

I’m sixteen-year-old student. This year I am going take a mture exam.

I have no actual work experience. Sometimes I play in friends party, that’s all.
I would enjoy working in your club. I’m love music and I’am always know every news in this business. I know what people like to listen and what kind of music is the best for dance. I;m friendly and hard working, I’m always on time, I’m never late, I think I;m a good person for this position .

I hope you will consider me for the position.
I am able to attend an interview at any time.

Yours faithfully.
Monika Don
bardzoo proszę o sprawdzenie.
I'm A sixteen-year-old student. This year I am going TO take MY A LEVELS.

Sometimes I play MUSIC AT friends' partIES, that's all.

I'm love JESTEM KOCHAM music and I'am always know JESTEM ZAWSZE ZNAM every BIT OF news in this business. I know what people like to listen TO and what kind of music is the best for dancING.

nie wiem czemu pisałam tam 'am' ;|