Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu. Zadano mi ćwiczenie maturalne, w którym mialam opisać przebieg wycieczki w której popsuł sie samochód. ostatnim punktem było: w jaki sposób przerwa wpłynęła na dalszą część podróży.Nie jestem dobra z angielskiego dlatego proszę o pomoc :) Z góry dziękuje.

We were hurry, but we were really late. We were go to football match.
When we were arrive, turn out match was very boring, so (nie byliśmy zawidzeni)
We were decide to do something, and we were go to the cinema. It was good idea and good fun.
Może w takiej kolejnosci:

We were going to a football match.It was really late(za dużo tego"were")and we were in a hurry.When we arrived,it turned out that the match was boring so we were not disappointed.(dziwne to zdanie.Powinno może być nie żałowalismy zamiast nie byliśmy rozczarowani)We decided to do something and(tu mi czegoś brakuje.może np: after a short deliberation )we went to the cinema.It was a good idea and a great fun.(lub:and we had lots of fun.

>We were going to a football match. It was really late(za dużo
>tego"were")and we were in a hurry. When we arrived, it turned out that
>the match was {so} boring {that} we were not disappointed {with our being late, actually}.(dziwne to
>zdanie.Powinno może być nie żałowalismy zamiast nie byliśmy
>rozczarowani)We decided to do something {else, so} (tu mi czegoś brakuje.może
>np: after a short deliberation )we went to the cinema. It was a good
>idea and {we had} great fun.(lub:and we had lots of fun


Olimpiada języka angielskiego


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie