proszę o sprawdzenie - list czytelnika

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir/madam
My name is XYZ and I am a student and I am writing to express my opinion about the plan of closing film club discussion. I must say that I am completely disagree with idea of closing the club.

The club fully the important rule in university life. It is a place when students have spent free time. In adding the club has a beautiful long tradition.

The club shuld not be closed because many young people belong to this club. The may here meet a lot of interesting people and express their own opinion.
In my opinion the club is a showcase of our university.

I would like to hear from other young people and students what they think about the subject. I encourge everyone to participate in the discussion. I hope that the club will not be closed.

Yours faithfully.
ten poczatek nie moze byc taki and+and+and

I am writing to express my opinion regarding the plan of...

i skoro sie podpisujesz na dole to nie musisz pisac na poczatku imienia i nazwiska
Znowy jakis kiepski translator - kto to was tak uczy???.
**The club fully the important rule in university to niby ma znaczyc?
Dlaczego kopiowales inne zdania, ktore sa wiecej gramatyczne?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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