6 Zdań.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wiatam mam do sprawdzenia 6 zdań (Conditional 2)

2 if people didn't have internet they woludn't send e-mail?
3 if all the computers in the world broke down companies would lose a lot of money.
4if everybody spoke the same language people woudn't problems with communication
5if i didn't had to go to school i would have free day
6 if aliens landed on the Earth people would panic
7if someone invented a time machine people would have meet future .
> 2 If people didn't have {the Internet,} they {couldn't} send {e-mails}?
>3 If all the computers in the world broke down, {many} companies would lose a
>lot of money.
>4If everybody spoke the same language, people {wouldn't have} problems with
>communication (between each other}.
>5If I didn't {have} to go to school, I would have {more free time for myself}.
>6 If aliens landed on the Earth, people would panic. OK
>7If someone invented a time machine, people {could see the} future.


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