Nowadays THE 'word' (ortog?) is developing at a 'dizzying' (zly register) pace, so there are more nd more electronic appliances, 'whose' WHICH faclitate our work and everyday life. However many people claim that they 'aren't' (tego nie lubie - ARE NOT) life essentials.I strongly 'believed' (kiedys tak wierzylas, a teraz?- czas.) that it is not possible to live without them.
To begin with, electronic facilities (podaj przyklad) help us to keep stay in touch with our relatives and friends. Parents go to work, children go to
school, so they can 'easy' (zla czesc zdania - tutaj EASILY) get in touch through for example computeRs and mobile phones.
Secondly Internet, radio and TV boarden our knowledge about THE world
and places, where we 'can not' (lepiej HAVE NOT VISITED) visit and see. What is more they keep us informed about disasters, 'warms'? for example about war in Iraq.
Thirdly electronic appliances 'facalitate' (ortog) our life. We can pay our
bills through THE Internet when we can't do it personally. AN 'eldery' (ortog) person can do 'shpping' (ortog) BY THE 'in' (niepotr) Internet and they don't have to carry heavy bags.
They refer to history, because people in the past (napisz kiedy) 'did'n' (ortog) have any computers, mobile phones and other 'applinaces' (ortog) like that and they lived normally.
To sum up 'that view' (ale jakie?) has advantages and drawbacks. I personally can not imagine life without electronic 'appliances' (na slowo appliances uzyj 'gadgets').