Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam!!! Poproszę o fachowe sprawdzenie i korektę błędów. Z góry dziękuję.

Ps. Pilne !!!

I saw in my live a very interesting places. My favourite place is a airport located by Masłów about a few ko from Kielce in Poland. In airport function the best in Poland parachyte club. Recently I am a member of this club.

My first visit in Masłów was great disappointet, becouse I expect small and few modern places, but proved otherwise. In airport arrive a people from over Poland to jump. They work here prfessional instructors who learn very good. I met here amazing people and I saw great modern airplane and patachutes whit I use them.

When I saw a big turf runway where airplane start and jumpers in the sky I feel extremly, because I dreamd to do the same. In airport alee the time I was excited. Feeliong when you I set up a parachute and leaving off the plana at an altitude of 1500m is not to described.

When any? jumping day ends. I felt ( mental fatique?) but I excited and happy. It is a uniguw experience which makes. I am courince I will continue the practise of this sport.

błędy literowe wynikają z szybkiego przepisywania naturalnie ;)
I saw in my 'live' (tutaj potrzebny rzecz. LIFE) 'a' (niepotr do l. mn. places)(some) very interesting places. My favourite place is aN airport located by Masłów about a few kM from Kielce in Poland. In THE airport functionS the best 'in Poland' (na koncu zdania) parachUte club. Recently I 'am' BECAME a
member of this club.

My first visit in Masłów was A great disappoinTMENT, 'becouse' (moje ulubione slowo - ale niestety piszemy to BECAUSE) I expectED (czas przeszly) small and 'few' (nie rozumiem z czym to sie laczy) modern places, but IT HAD proved otherwise. 'In' AT THE airport arrive 'a' (niepotr bo people to l. mn) people from over Poland to jump. They work here prOfessional instructors who 'learn' (ale instructor nie musi 'learn'anything, bo oni to juz wiedza, tutaj TEACH) very 'good' WELL. I met here SOME amazing people and I saw great modern airplane and patachutes whiCH I useD. 'them' (nie rozumiem dlaczego 'them').

When I saw a big turf runway where THE airplane start and jumpers in the
sky I 'feel' FELT (bo reszta jest w czasie przeszlym) extremEly (ale extremely co?), because I dreamT to do the same. In THE airport 'alL the time' (na koncu zdania) I was excited. THE feeling when 'you I' (albo jeden albo drugi tutaj YOU) set up a parachute and leavE off FROM the planE at an altituTe of 1500m is 'not to BE described' (nie, tutaj CANNOT be described).

When any jumping day ends.- (nie rozumiem tego zdania, tutaj cos brakuje) I felt mental fatique, but I excited and happy. It is a uniguE experience which makes. (ale makes co?) I am coNVINCED THAT I will continue the practise of this sport.
When any jumping day ends.- ??? jak zdanie ułożyć = Kiedy kończy się każdy dzień skoków.

which makes.... które uzależnia to będzie which dependent ??



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