prosze o spr. rozprawki ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Some students have a duty to wearing uniforms at school. In my essey I present pros and cons about uniforms at school.
Firstly the uniforms are helping identify intruders in school. Also they are encouraging discipline and students can mold their characters.
On the other hand the uniforms are inpractical outside the school because some students don't like be indetify with their school when they are after the lessos. So same people can feel thet they are limiting freedom of expression.
In conclusion I think that the uniforms in school are a very good idea when they are voluntary. I belive that the students should change a school where the unifirms are valid or the school which haven't the uniforms. Because students should like the uniforms and be happy when they are wearing in it, but when students hate the uniforms this duty is poitless and stupied.

Proszę o sprawdzenie :) z góry dziękuje. Jeżeli praca ma określoną ilość słów to liczymy wszystko czy pomijamy przyimki,itd??
Wydaje się ok małe błędy typu literówki: lessons(zgubiles s), that(masz thet), uniforms(a nie unifirms:)), pointless(masz poitless)

Reszta ok
Some students have a duty to 'wearing' WEAR uniforms at school. In my 'essey' (ortog) I present 'pros and cons' cos tego nigdy nie lubie) about uniforms at school.
Firstly the uniforms 'are helping' HELP TO identify intruders in school. Also
they 'are encouraging' ENCOURAGE discipline and students can 'mold' (ortog) their characters.
On the other hand the uniforms are 'inpractical' (ortog) outside the school
because some students don't like TO be 'indetify' (ortog i popraw) with their school when they are after 'the' (niepotr) 'lessos' (ortog). So 'same' (zle slowo-) people can feel 'thet' (ortog) they are limiting freedom of expression.
I 'belive' (ortog) that the students should change a school where the 'unifirms' (ortog) are 'valid' (zle slowo) or the school which 'haven't' (nie, prosze pisac w calosci, i wtedy nie bedziesz robil bledow tutaj DOES NOT HAVE) 'the' (niepotr) uniforms. Because students should like the uniforms and be happy when they are wearing 'in it' (ale uniforms to l. mnoga, dlaczego uzywasz l. poj?), but when students hate the uniforms this duty is 'poitless' (ortog) and 'stupied' (ortog).
dziękuję za pomoc ;)